
杰西·威廉姆斯、乔丹娜·布鲁斯特加盟,杰伊·巴鲁切尔自导自演新片[随机暴力行动](Random Acts Of Violence,暂译)。本片根据同名漫画小说改编,将围绕漫画作者托德(威廉姆饰)、他的女友(布鲁斯特饰)、他的助理(妮娅姆·威尔逊饰)、他的好朋友(巴鲁切尔饰)展开。在从多伦多到纽约参加动漫展的路上,人们开始像托德漫画中的方式被杀害。很明显,是有一个狂热粉丝在搞事......本片正在拍摄,将持续到9月。

邪恶教授Jacob ten Brinken(埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 饰)通过结合妓女与杀人犯的基因创造出了没有道德观、天性放荡的人造人美女Alraune(海蒂嘉德·纳福 饰),某天夜晚,教授的侄子Frank Braun(卡尔海因茨·伯姆 饰)偶然遇到了Alraune,两人对彼此一见钟情并准备私奔,为阻止二人,ten Brinken教授将人造人实验的事情告诉了Frank,被吓到的Frank独自一人前往巴黎。失去Frank后,Alraune的性情变得越来越轻佻邪恶,她一方面设计陷害自己的情敌和家庭教师,另一方面在四个男人之间周旋:Frank的两个朋友Wolfie和Gerold、她的仆人Mathieu以及教授的雇员Mohn医生,就在她将一个又一个人送向死亡与毁灭的深渊时,Frank突然回来了。

在儿子离奇失踪四年后,一对夫妇决定收养一名小男孩,这名小男孩刚从一间因火灾而烧毁的孤儿院中幸存。随着男孩渐长,越发神似他们失去的儿子,个性也变得诡异与暴戾,甚至开始攻击同龄小孩。尽管母亲认为这名男孩就是他们失去的儿子,但父亲深信儿子早已死去。 母亲再度怀孕,兴奋地准备迎接新生儿,被领养的男孩感觉自己遭受冷落,便开始攻击尚未出世的孩子。另方面,父亲意外发现原来当初让孤儿院深陷危机的人就是这名男孩。 ...


A car, following the Tour de France. Children screaming in front of the puppet show. Women, often prostitutes, trying to scream as they are being strangled. Then he will meet Claire, the virgin who will give herself to him, and perhaps deliver him from his malediction. Written by Gregoire Dubost {[email protected]}

Jacob Chandler is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary gift. The epitome of the accidental exorcist, Jacob and his nephew Liam have forged a career clearing demons from the bodies of their clients. Of late, something has changed as possessions increase and Jacob fights to keep those he loves safe, the burden weighing heavy on his shoulders. When his path crosses with Liam's new girlfriend, Atalie Carlisle, he recognizes something in her dark, broken gaze. She too can see the damned. Jacob never expected to meet anyone else like himself, nor did he anticipate needing her help. When summoned to a hauntingly beautiful homestead with a tragic past, Jacob must call upon all his experience and Atalie's untrained powers, to uncover the layers of demonic deception at play. Death is here, and it will do anything to be free. Inspired by actual events.


Regine, a psychologically fragile young woman, is hiding away in the city, far from the dark and forbidding countryside of her traumatic childhood. She's struggling to construct the loving family she never had, and to rise above the events of the past above all, the disastrous home birth of her brother Isaac, which led to her mother's insanity and Isaac's apparent death. But the city is tense and hostile, and contains its own threats. An abusive relationship with the controlling psychiatrist who's treating her mother is already blighting Regine's life when the brutal murder of her grandmother raises a crucial question is Isaac still alive, and looking for revenge against a family which he feels has rejected him Driven to heal the wounds of the past and to reunite her family by connecting with the brother she's never met, Regine must return to the site of her previous traumas and confront the true source of her family's guilt. It could make sense of her life - or throw it into ...

公元794年,日本桓武天皇时期,京都长冈被其胞弟早良亲王怨灵诅咒,天灾人祸不断。桓武天皇被迫迁都平安京,由此开启四百年平安时代序幕。彼时权贵内部斗争激烈,人民生活疾苦,世间因此怨灵丛生,人、鬼与怪物屏息同栖。隶属于宫廷阴阳寮的阴阳师们,作为平衡天、地、人、鬼间矛盾的存在,自此活跃在历史舞台上,其中最为耀眼的便是身世成谜的安倍晴明(野村万斋 饰)。右近卫中将源博雅(伊藤英明 饰)受托拜访安倍晴明,被所目睹的奇异景象及晴明的个人魅力深深折服;晴明亦被博雅正直的品德吸引。故事便从两人宿命相识,结下珍贵情谊开始。 宫廷内近来异事频发。左大臣藤原师辅之女诞下敦平亲王,婴儿降世却身负诅咒。晴明招来蜜虫(今井绘理子 饰)和神秘女子青音(小泉今日子 饰),与博雅一同化解恶咒,却反遭诬陷。原来一切皆是阴阳头道尊(真田广之 饰)所为。他利用左右大臣间矛盾与后妃间争宠频生事端,更欲召唤出150年前的最强怨灵早良亲王,将平安京彻底颠覆…… 影片根据梦枕貘《阴阳师》系列小说改编。

杰西·威廉姆斯、乔丹娜·布鲁斯特加盟,杰伊·巴鲁切尔自导自演新片[随机暴力行动](Random Acts Of Violence,暂译)。本片根据同名漫画小说改编,将围绕漫画作者托德(威廉姆饰)、他的女友(布鲁斯特饰)、他的助理(妮娅姆·威尔逊饰)、他的好朋友(巴鲁切尔饰)展开。在从多伦多到纽约参加动漫展的路上,人们开始像托德漫画中的方式被杀害。很明显,是有一个狂热粉丝在搞事......本片正在拍摄,将持续到9月。


邪恶教授Jacob ten Brinken(埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 饰)通过结合妓女与杀人犯的基因创造出了没有道德观、天性放荡的人造人美女Alraune(海蒂嘉德·纳福 饰),某天夜晚,教授的侄子Frank Braun(卡尔海因茨·伯姆 饰)偶然遇到了Alraune,两人对彼此一见钟情并准备私奔,为阻止二人,ten Brinken教授将人造人实验的事情告诉了Frank,被吓到的Frank独自一人前往巴黎。失去Frank后,Alraune的性情变得越来越轻佻邪恶,她一方面设计陷害自己的情敌和家庭教师,另一方面在四个男人之间周旋:Frank的两个朋友Wolfie和Gerold、她的仆人Mathieu以及教授的雇员Mohn医生,就在她将一个又一个人送向死亡与毁灭的深渊时,Frank突然回来了。

在儿子离奇失踪四年后,一对夫妇决定收养一名小男孩,这名小男孩刚从一间因火灾而烧毁的孤儿院中幸存。随着男孩渐长,越发神似他们失去的儿子,个性也变得诡异与暴戾,甚至开始攻击同龄小孩。尽管母亲认为这名男孩就是他们失去的儿子,但父亲深信儿子早已死去。 母亲再度怀孕,兴奋地准备迎接新生儿,被领养的男孩感觉自己遭受冷落,便开始攻击尚未出世的孩子。另方面,父亲意外发现原来当初让孤儿院深陷危机的人就是这名男孩。 ...


A car, following the Tour de France. Children screaming in front of the puppet show. Women, often prostitutes, trying to scream as they are being strangled. Then he will meet Claire, the virgin who will give herself to him, and perhaps deliver him from his malediction. Written by Gregoire Dubost {[email protected]}

Jacob Chandler is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary gift. The epitome of the accidental exorcist, Jacob and his nephew Liam have forged a career clearing demons from the bodies of their clients. Of late, something has changed as possessions increase and Jacob fights to keep those he loves safe, the burden weighing heavy on his shoulders. When his path crosses with Liam's new girlfriend, Atalie Carlisle, he recognizes something in her dark, broken gaze. She too can see the damned. Jacob never expected to meet anyone else like himself, nor did he anticipate needing her help. When summoned to a hauntingly beautiful homestead with a tragic past, Jacob must call upon all his experience and Atalie's untrained powers, to uncover the layers of demonic deception at play. Death is here, and it will do anything to be free. Inspired by actual events.


Regine, a psychologically fragile young woman, is hiding away in the city, far from the dark and forbidding countryside of her traumatic childhood. She's struggling to construct the loving family she never had, and to rise above the events of the past above all, the disastrous home birth of her brother Isaac, which led to her mother's insanity and Isaac's apparent death. But the city is tense and hostile, and contains its own threats. An abusive relationship with the controlling psychiatrist who's treating her mother is already blighting Regine's life when the brutal murder of her grandmother raises a crucial question is Isaac still alive, and looking for revenge against a family which he feels has rejected him Driven to heal the wounds of the past and to reunite her family by connecting with the brother she's never met, Regine must return to the site of her previous traumas and confront the true source of her family's guilt. It could make sense of her life - or throw it into ...

公元794年,日本桓武天皇时期,京都长冈被其胞弟早良亲王怨灵诅咒,天灾人祸不断。桓武天皇被迫迁都平安京,由此开启四百年平安时代序幕。彼时权贵内部斗争激烈,人民生活疾苦,世间因此怨灵丛生,人、鬼与怪物屏息同栖。隶属于宫廷阴阳寮的阴阳师们,作为平衡天、地、人、鬼间矛盾的存在,自此活跃在历史舞台上,其中最为耀眼的便是身世成谜的安倍晴明(野村万斋 饰)。右近卫中将源博雅(伊藤英明 饰)受托拜访安倍晴明,被所目睹的奇异景象及晴明的个人魅力深深折服;晴明亦被博雅正直的品德吸引。故事便从两人宿命相识,结下珍贵情谊开始。 宫廷内近来异事频发。左大臣藤原师辅之女诞下敦平亲王,婴儿降世却身负诅咒。晴明招来蜜虫(今井绘理子 饰)和神秘女子青音(小泉今日子 饰),与博雅一同化解恶咒,却反遭诬陷。原来一切皆是阴阳头道尊(真田广之 饰)所为。他利用左右大臣间矛盾与后妃间争宠频生事端,更欲召唤出150年前的最强怨灵早良亲王,将平安京彻底颠覆…… 影片根据梦枕貘《阴阳师》系列小说改编。

